School governance is performed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, the Statute of the university and School Statute, with the combination of the principles of sole and collegial governance.
Governance bodies of the school are:
- The Board of Trustees of the university
- The University Rector
- The University Scientific Council
- School Principal
The governance of the current activities of the school is performed by the school principal who is elected by the University Scientific Council.
The consultative bodies are formed to effectively organize the educational activities of the school as well as to contribute to the development programs and efficient cooperation with the community, namely:
- Pedagogical Council
- Educational Associations
- Parent Council
- School Council
High School Principal

Deputy Directors

Nelli Kamoyi Hambardzumyan
Deputy Director for teaching affairs
Khachik Gagiki Manukyan
Deputy Director for administrative and economic affairs
Pedagogical Council

Place: 7-th building, Tel.: +374 10 52 06 30, E-mail: [email protected]