The Last Bell ceremony of the High School of National Polytechnic University of Armenia gathered all participants of the study process. The final day, in order to attach importance to the holiday of the schoolchildren, NPUA Rector Gor Vardanyan, vice-rectors, lecturers, teachers and parents were present.
273 schoolchildren leave NPUA High School this year. Holiday concert, welcoming speeches, happiness and sadness were seen on the faces as well as series of events till the end of the evening continued.
Not only schoolchildren were excited, their parents as well so that after speaking in front of the audience they got rather excited and words started to lose their meaning as they trusted their children to be educated at NPUA High School and now they see the excellent results.
“When choosing the school, the parents bear the responsibility for the education of their children. I assure that you have done the right choice as NPUA High School provides excellent results. The school is a backup for the children as it is the best educational institution. It is happiness to be member of the big Polytechnic family” – parents shared their impressions.
Director of High School Alfred Petrosyan congratulated the schoolchildren and their parents on the occasion of an important day. It was pointed out that the Polytechnic High School has a huge role not only in educating the children but also in their upbringing. He pointed out that the new road has started full of knowledge.
Vice-rector Elbak Elbakyan attached importance to the fact that schoolchildren had their education in Polytechnic University environment where real ideas concerning the future shape.
And these ideas will be applied for the country’s development.
He specially thanked teachers for the development of real values. He was delighted to inform that majority of them will enter the Polytechnic University.
In his final speech, NPUA Rector Gor Vardanyan, referring to educators, parents, junior members of the Polytechnic family, also highlighted that it is an achievement to study in the educational complex that is 90 years old.
“I would like to specially thank school educators, directorate, for the organization of competitive education. I would like to highlight that the Polytechnic University is the institution where in case of any problem, any difficulty, you can turn and get assistance from our community. We would like to see your future successes as your successes are our success as well. And remember that you are the ambassadors of the Polytechnic University all over the world. I congratulate all of you and wish you all the best” – the rector told in his speech.
On this day, the rector also gave Certificates of Gratitude to teachers for their hard work and devotion.