Board of Trustees
NPUA Board of Trustees is the supreme governance body of the university, mandate given for a period of 5 years.
Based on the decree of RA Prime Minister 908-A, August 7, 2020 “On the foundations”, 22nd article, part 3 of the law of the Republic of Armenia, the members of the Board of Trustees of the “National Polytechnic University of Armenia” foundation have been approved.
NPUA Board of Trustees elects the Rector, discusses and approves NPUA structure, the budget, the employee list, strategic development programs, the Rector’s election regulations, the Rector’s annual report, implementation of amendments and supplements in the Charter etc.
Board of Trustees of National Polytechnic university of Armenia consists of 32 members. The Board of Trustees performs its operations by the means of the meetings.
The meetings of the Board are held minimum once a year by the president of the Board.


The Board of Trustees consists of the academic staff of the HEI and student representatives as well as famous representatives from different spheres of education, science, culture and economy and NPUA partner employers appointed by the authorized body, each comprising 25 percent respectively.
Members of the Board of Trustees of “National Polytechnic university of Armenia” foundation
By the decree of the RA Prime Minister on February 24, 2021, decision 162-A, an amendment to the composition of the Board of Trustees of NPUA has been done: www.e-gov.am/decrees/item/23082/