The Institute of mechanical machine-building, transport systems and design is the structural subdivision of National Polytechnic university of Armenia, which performs its activities based on the Charter of the university and regulations approved by the Scientific Council of the university. The Institute was established by the decree N 04/16-02, April 21, 2016 of the Board of Trustees of the “National polytechnic university of Armenia” (NPUA) foundation, by the decree N 01-03/159, April 27, 2016 of NPUA Rector as a result of reorganization of consolidation of faculties of Machine-building, Mechanical engineering, transport systems and design thus becoming a new structural subdivision for education. The Institute is the legal successor of the mentioned faculties, and the beginning of its functioning is September 1, 2016.
The main issues of the institute are: to educate highly qualified scientific and teaching staff and high profile specialists with higher education in the spheres of mechanical engineering, machine-building, printing art, transport and design.
Nowadays, the institute implements full-time and correspondence courses in all educational degrees of specialized engineering education such as pre-specialty training, secondary specialized education, higher education on bachelor’s and master’s degrees, as well as post-educational courses for awarding the degree of a researcher.
The primary specialization program is implemented in “The mechanical design of metals on the lathes and assembly lines”, and the secondary specialization is carried out on “Technical maintenance of automobile transport” specialties.
The teaching in the institute awarding bachelor’s and master’s degrees of higher specialized education is currently implemented in the following specialties and qualifications, namely:
- Design awarding qualification of a bachelor and a master of arts,
- Economics awarding qualification of a bachelor and a master of economics,
- Machine building and material design, awarding qualification of a bachelor and a master of engineering,
- Mechanics, awarding qualification of a bachelor and a master of engineering,
- Transport machine-building, awarding qualification of a bachelor and a master of engineering,
- Mechanical engineering and metrology, awarding qualification of a bachelor and a master of engineering,
- Transport systems, awarding qualification of a bachelor and a master of engineering,
- Aviation engineering and missilery, awarding qualification of a bachelor of engineering,
- Industrial engineering, awarding qualification of a master of engineering.
Currently 622 students study at the institute, 533 of them are bachelor students with 68 studying at correspondence courses, and 82 master students with 17 students studying at correspondence courses and 8 students doing research programs.
The institute maintains broad scientific and educational connections with the technical universities and companies from the Russian Federation, Germany, France, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and Poland. The best performing students get the opportunity to do their internship or continue their education in foreign countries for the acquisition of specialized experience and scientific degree awards.
15 professors, 49 associate professors, 12 assistants, 39 lecturers teach at the institute. Currently, one member from NAS RA, 15 Doctors of Science and 60 PhDs work at the institute.
The faculty has 14 computer auditoriums and 16 technologically equipped auditoriums, 162 mainly obsolete computers, 140 of which are used for educational processes, and 37 are connected to the internal network of NPUA.