The faculty of applied mathematics and physics was established in 2013 as a result of consolidation of the faculty of Applied mathematics and the chair of “Physics” of the university. The foundational base for the latter is the chair of Higher mathematics, which was established in 1934, from the very beginning of the functioning of the Polytechnic Institute. The associate professor, the honored worker Vruyr Khachaturi Torgomyan headed the chair approximately 40 years. Parallel to the student number increase, the chair of applied mathematics was established in 1966, the first head of the chair was the associate professor Gohar Hamazaspi Hambardzumyan, and later professor Nazareth Yervandi Tovmasyan from 1969 up to 1992. In 1975-1977, the chair of the Higher mathematics was headed by the associate professor Rafayel Artashesi Shirikyan and professor Azrtavazd Melkoni Mkhitaryan, and in 1977-1992 it was headed by professor Vanik Sureni Zakaryan.
As a result of new specialties at the university, in 1983 a new chair “Higher Mathematics – 3” was established, head of the chair was appointed Razmik Mihrani Barseghyan. In 1991-1992, qualitative changes occurred in National polytechnic university of Armenia. The institute was renamed to State engineering university of Armenia. In 1992, the new three-cycle system of specialized education was introduced and all three chairs merged into the department of mathematics headed by the academician Vanik Sureni Zakaryan. The department was reorganized in 2009, September 18 as the faculty of Applied mathematics. The university-wide chair of “Physics” was established as a result of consolidation of three former chairs of Physics, the head of which is the professor A.Khachatryan.
Three chairs operate in the faculty nowadays: chair of general mathematics education headed by PhD in physics and mathematics, associate professor H.M.Khosrovyan, chair of physics headed by Doctor in physics and mathematics, professor A.Zh.Khachatryan, chair of specialized mathematics education headed by Doctor in physics and mathematics, professor A.H.Babayan. The faculty provides the teaching of general and specialized courses in all educational units of NPUA. The educational programs are maximally adapted to the professional requirements of different faculties.
The faculty of applied mathematics and physics educates specialists in all educational degrees on the specialty of “Informatics and applied mathematics”, educates engineer-mathematicians in the sphere of solutions of applied and economic problems by means of mathematical representation, design and ECMs. It also educates bachelor degree students in the specialties of “Applied mathematics and physics”.
The student number studying at bachelor’s degree at the faculty is 149, and master’s degree number is 16. The main partner organizations are RA NAS Institutes of Automation and Informatics issues, Applied problems of Mathematics and Physics, National Institute of metrology, Yerevan Physics Institute and RA Ministry of Defense. Scientific and research works in different sectors of mathematics and physics are carried out at the faculty.
The faculty is equipped with modern computers, has special auditoriums with Internet connection and other necessary technical means, which enable to conduct online teaching as well. A professional teaching staff works at the faculty to educate specialists satisfying the modern requirements. Our alumni are equipped with the modern knowledge in the sphere of informatics and applied mathematics. They have the best perspectives to work in the sectors of high demand such as scientific, production, socio-economic and social system, where the modern methods of applied mathematics are applied for data processing, management and projection goals.
Faculty Council
Faculty Council of Applied mathematics and Physics of National Polytechnic university of Armenia is the governance body operating under the presidency of the dean that plans and coordinates the educational, teaching, science and research activities. The formation and activities of the Faculty Council is regulated by the Charter and regulations of the faculty, which is approved by the Scientific Council of the university.
The plenary powers of the faculty Council are for duration of 5 years. The meetings of the faculty Council are held once a month.
The faculty Council encompasses the dean, heads of the chairs and basic laboratories, the president of the Labor Union of the faculty, the president of faculty Student Council, the leading professors, associate professors, the leading specialists of this sphere and students.