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Deputy directors
College Council

On the functioning of the Council

College Council is the collegial governance body of the College, the Chairman of which is the College Director. Deputy Director(s), Heads of divisions, Head of the Labor Union and President of the Student Council as well as leading lecturers, representatives of the academic staff of the University and its chairs as well as students are in the composition of the College Council. Representatives of the student population should comprise minimum 25 per cent of the total members of the Council. Number and composition of the Council is approved by University Rector for duration of five years.

  • Approves College Charter and its amendments, and defines its formation regulations,
  • Defines the system of College governance and forms its employee list,
  • Manages the general affairs of the College and provides its daily activities,
  • Makes a list of equipment provided to College for further utilization,
  • Controls the utilization and maintenance of the equipment provided to the College, decides on the alienation or leasing of that equipment in line with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and its regulations: hears reports on the functioning of the College and examines results of its reviews,
  • Recognizes as invalid or suspends decisions of the Council or Director if they contradict the legislation of the Republic of Armenia or University Charter,
  • Introduces proposals on reorganization or liquidation of the College in line with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia,
  • Exercises other powers.

Վայր: Մանանդյան 36, Հեռ.: +374 10 42 08 35, Էլ-փոստ: [email protected]