Center of scientific research and innovation processing
Director of the Center
Center of “scientific research and innovation processing” (“Scientific work services and innovation research”) functions from 2005 (previously that division functioned at the university more than 40 years, having another status). From October 2011, the functions of the center expanded and the center started to implement educational processes of the scientific and teaching staff.
The center carries out the following functions: scientific and technological research done at the university and coordination and servicing of innovation activities based on main and grant funding received from RA state budget, as well as coordination and servicing of projects being financed by international foundations, organization of seminars and conferences (online as well), organization of competitions, publishing of journals at NPUA, organization of scientific and teaching staff preparation processes, coordination of specialized councils functioning at NPUA, provision of innovative services, organization of works of technological innovative platforms.
The functions of scientific and research center can be divided into 3 content spheres, realization of which should be done by respective divisions, such as functioning divisions to train scientific and teaching staff and Innovation service.
- Coordination of innovative activities and scientific project works financed by the government, analysis of financial position as well as coordination and servicing of scientific research financed by international grants,
- Provision of staff, financial and analytical services of scientific project works financed by the government,
- Application and registration of scientific projects financed by the government,
- Collection of current and annual statements of thematic (grant) projects and basic scientific research laboratories,
- Organization of the scientific and technical council’s activities,
- Organization of the annual conference of NPUA,
- Organization of works and results summaries of periodic scientific seminars, current conferences and seminars on “Polytechnic readings”,
- Organization of publishing processes of journals of scientific papers and collections (technical science series of NPUA and RA NAS, NPUA “Messenger” series, “Mechanics, machine-building, machine learning”, “Electrical engineering, energetics”, “Metallurgy, materials science, mining”, “Information technology, electronics, radio engineering”, “Chemical and nature protection technology”), “mathematics in high school”, collection of inter-university scientific and teaching papers and NPUA “Herald” – scientific and teaching paper collection,
- Implementation of organizational works on invention patenting and provision of consultation,
- Information summary, analysis, coordination, supply and dissemination on different scientific and technological events, conferences and seminars,
- Cooperation with other organizations,
- Provision of scientific and technical information on implemented projects (study of information requirements of scientific research, enrichment of scientific literature, information analysis and provision of scientific and technological activities organized in Armenia and foreign countries),
- Interim expense program establishment of NPUA scientific and technical activities,
- Profile creation of NPUA scientific and technical activities,
- Compilation of annual statements and applications of the center for scientific research and innovative processing,
- Arrangement of applications to enroll in NPUA postgraduate studies and organization of enrollment in postgraduate studies,
- Organization of approval processes of individual work plans, scientific supervisors, thesis topic approvals, doctoral candidates, graduants and postgraduate student enrollments,
- Organization of educational processes of graduants and post-graduate students on credit system,
- Organization of qualification exams of graduants and post-graduate students and results summaries,
- Coordination of works of thesis defenses and specialized boards (031- Metallurgy and materials science, 032-Management and automation, 046-Radio engineering and electronics, 034-Machine-building and machine science, 038-Electrical engineering, 049-Energetics, 053-Mathematics, 057-Chemical technologies),
- Implementation of organizational works of awarding processes of academic degrees.
Organization of activities of “Technological innovation platform”
- Productiveness and installation of innovation and research work results of Polytechnopark, organization and coordination of technology transfer,
- Utilization of the innovative portal,
- Utilization of the experiential center, provision of technological and experiential services to other companies on a contract basis,
- Implementation of functions of the technological incubator,
- Conducting the market research,
- Provision of analytical and consultation services,
- Development and implementation of “concept on intellectual property” of the university,
- Management of events aimed at the development of innovative and creative thinking of university employees and learners,
- Management of events aimed at the organization of the processes such as “From idea to the marketplace” at the university,
- Realization of organizational activities and provision of consultation regarding patenting of the inventions,
- Preliminary patent search for the patent application of inventions done by the employees and learners of the university,
- Discovery of market potential for inventions and patents of university employees/learners and market analysis,
- Networking with international patent, innovation and technology transfer organizations and their continual development,
- Implementation of activities aimed at the collaboration “science – entrepreneurship”,
- Connections with partners to disseminate scientific results,
- Conducting experiments of proposed new technological solutions,
- Provision of scientific and technological information necessary for the implementation of research projects (studies of information demands for scientific research, analysis and provision of information on scientific and technological activities in Armenia and beyond).