Career Center
Center Overview
The student career services center was established in 2001. The center was established with the participation of SEUA, in the framework of the implementation of TEMPUS UM-JEP2122-2000 project. The program has been implemented in coordination with Lund University (Sweden) and participation of Marseille Higher Engineering School (ESIM, France). In 2012, due to the structural changes of SEUA, Career center was re-opened, thus encompassing a broader framework of functions. Its current name is NPUA Labor market research and professional career center.
The main aim of the center is to assist university students and alumni in the process of professional career promotion.
Functions of the center are:
– To refresh NPUA graduating students and alumni information base with the help of HENGEAR.
– To establish new bonds and reinforce the functioning ones with HR services of the potential employing organizations,
– To analyze and reveal the potential professional needs of the employer organizations,
– To assist the students in the process of organization of their externship and pre-diploma internships and successful progress at NPUA partner and employing organizations,
– To participate in local and international grant processes,
– To assist effectively in career and education related fairs,
– To organize meetings with students and employers by means of different formats,
– To organize meetings in the form of discussions with potential employers and NPUA lecturers on the topics of preparation and job provision for young specialists,
– To periodically organize short-term seminars and trainings for NPUA students, that will aim at developing skills for writing application letters, curriculum vitae and cover letters as well as how to efficiently and precisely introduce their personal and professional skills during job interviews as well as with potential employers,
– To collect and disseminate information on seminars and trainings aimed at the improvement of specialist and non-specialist knowledge organized in other HEIs and organizations among NPUA students,
– To periodically implement self-analysis of the center’s activities and introduce it for further discussions to university population,
– To assist NPUA quality assurance divisions in the process of implementing pulse surveys from the employers on NPUA alumni about the level of their satisfaction,
– To cooperate with YPI-NPUA Alumni association while performing functions of the center and to entirely utilize the opportunities through this channel,
– To assist NPUA Admission commission in their undertakings aimed at the process of assisting potential university entrants in the choice of the specialty.