Call for Applicants to DAAD  summer school 2024

The NPUA invites DAAD scholarship holders to participate in <> 2024 summer school in Armenia


Course location: Armenia, NPUA Yerevan campus

Teaching language: English

Language level of course: minimum B1 (according to CEFR)

Date(s): from July 15 to July 26, 2024

Application link:


Application deadline: June 15, 2024

Target groups: students

Fee: 550 EUR (the free doesn’t include travel expenses and accommodation)

ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) Points.

Description/ Concept: DAAD’s <> Summer school 2024 in Armenia is a wonderful opportunity for international students to be a part of Armenia for two weeks. Participants will become familiar with Armenian people, culture, history, cuisine, geographical location and technological advancements.  DAAD’s Armenian 2024 summer school focuses on innovative technologies, artificial intelligence on their role and importance in social digital marketing.

During their stay in Armenia the participants will have an opportunity not only to have theoretical knowledge about graphic design for social media, do marketing research, learn greed design but also in practice create a practical AI product page using all the essential tools and knowledge gained from the course. The participants will visit Armenian and branches of international AI and IT developing companies in Armenia where they will have an opportunity to listen to successful stories in the given field and ask the speakers their questions and get answers.

The Armenian language courses will be held through interactive methods (listening, reading, pronunciation, film watching, etc.), films and real time interaction with native Armenians. In order to explore Armenian culture more deeply, the participants will be offered short excursions to ancient Armenian churches, cultural centers, as well as participate in pottery, carpet weaving, doll making and a number of other interactive activities. Link:

For additional questions: [email protected]