The National Polytechnic University of Armenia and the United States Agency for International Development Energy Security Program of Armenia are entering this new level of cooperation. Rector of the Polytechnic University Gor Vardanyan and program manager Abgar Budaghyan have signed a memorandum of understanding, underlining the preparation and training of high-level specialists in the field of energy for the development of the economy of Armenia, being led by the strategy of the development of energy field and cooperation between universities and organizations.
The signing of the memorandum is based on the involvement of youth in the field of energy, ensuring cooperation with the Polytechnic University, the complete use of scientific and technical and human resources, and the necessity to exchange the advanced experience.
Based on the aim of facing the challenges of Armenia’s energy sector development, a new path will be established to educate and support an experienced workforce of Armenia’s scientists, engineers and energy professionals.
According to NPUA rector, the memorandum of understanding will establish cooperation, contributing to the Armenia’s energy security.
“With the implementation of relevant scientific, research and training programs in the energy security implementation program, it can be underlined that in the Republic of Armenia, frequently, the expression energy security is used and this security is realized by the establishment and the use of new independent, renewable energy resources.
The National Polytechnic University of Armenia with its scientific, professional and student community can contribute greatly to the sphere of energy security. Being a technological university, we have always been the only educational institution that has prepared specialists in this field that have performed relevant functions in the professional market,” Gor Vardanyan pointed out.
Abgar Budaghyan, on behalf of the United States Agency for International Development of Energy Security Program of Armenia, expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and pointed out that he is delighted by this cooperation to be arranged for the next 4 years.
“Within the frames of the memorandum of mutual cooperation, we will strive to introduce the full potential of the Polytechnic University, contributing to the formation of a new generation,” Abgar Budaghyan pointed out.
The program supports the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the Public Service Regulatory Commission, the private sector and other energy stakeholders to diversify the energy supply of the country, reduce dependence on imported gas and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thus assisting to position Armenia’s energy sector as a driver of long-term economic growth.
Within the frames of the Memorandum of Understanding, Tetra Tech intends to provide capacity building for NPUA students and professors by the means of workshops and training courses on the regulation of RES and EE programs, support NPUA in improving its capacity by developing and establishing an energy laboratory, which will enable students and assigned staff to be prepared or trained through the Power Market Modeling Program of Armenia, the TIMES-Armenia model for long-term energy planning and other relevant modeling programs, as well as to design and offer an internship opportunity for NPUA students or recent graduates.
NPUA will introduce its staff, faculty and students to participate in training courses, workshops and other capacity building activities, recommend staff and students to participate in capacity building activities and prioritize topics related to the energy lab, consider the involvement of new and cutting-edge topics and courses in relevant curricula.
Ինչպե՞ս են ժամանակակից տրամադրությունները փոխում լեզվամտածողությունը․ Պոլիտեխնիկում անցկացվել է «Գլոբալիզացիայի ազդեցությունը ռուսաց լեզվի վրա» խորագրով գիտաժողովը
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