Science Committee announces the competition “Program of assistance to foreign scientists to integrate into the Armenian scientific community 2023”. Goals of the competition are to promote domestic and international cooperation, to attract and involve the scientific potential of Diaspora, attract young researchers and postgraduates and assist them to integrate into international research sphere, to increase the potential of organizations by establishing new, competitive and prospective scientific divisions.
You can present projects of scientific and technological activities in all spheres to take part in the competition. A person born after January 1, 1973 that did not study or work in Armenia during 12 months in total within the last 4 years who was awarded the scientific degree after January 1, 2016 (1st category) or after January 1, 2003 (2nd category) can be the leader of the team. Team leader should present some number of publications done during the last 5 years in different international scientific and information databases. The team should also have a Foreign Partner/Collaborator who works in a foreign country in the respective specialty, an active scientists having the H-index who will spend at least 25 days in Armenia during the implementation of the project and accept team members for the same duration of days in their institutions in foreign countries. After the implementation of the program, team should have publications in international scientific journals with high impact factors. The team should also have at least one submitted international scientific grant as a result of program implementation.
Team leader should fill in and present the competition application via online platform to take part in the competition till February 24, 2023. For additional information and consultation concerning the competition please, please call 010 210140 (extension 108), or email to [email protected] or from the Department of Scientific Operations of the RA Science Committee.