“Energy and energy efficiency: Theory and practice”: the 7th international practical conference will take place on December 7-9 at Kuzbass State Technical University.
Conference goal is to discuss the current situation, scientific problems and potential directions of modern energetics development and to study the best experience of industrial companies in the sphere of energy efficiency.
Topical spheres are:
Thermal Energy (C1)
– transfer of physical dynamics and heat and mass of liquids
– issues of natural fuel combustion and environmental problems
– innovative technologies of energy and energy efficiency
– sources of renewable energy
– complex recycling of fuel and thermal energy waste
– refrigerators and refrigerating stations
– thermal pumps and air-conditioning systems
– environmental safety and rational utilization of natural resources
Energetic industry (C2)
– energy saving and efficiency
– electricity provision
− structural analysis and optimization of electric networks
−“smart” electric systems and networks, innovations in the sphere of electricity
– environmental and legal aspects of electrical energy industry development
Management of electrical complexes and systems (C3)
− electrical mechanics
– automated electrical engine
– methods and management algorithms
– automation and control of technological processes
− smart, digital and automated technologies in the sphere of energetics
Electrical Engineering (C4)
– Energy technologies and equipment
– Electrical machines, devices and equipment
– Electrical elements and components
– Means and methods to diagnose the technical conditions of electrical equipment
– Energy efficient technologies and stations
Industrial electronics (C5)
– digital unity
– micro-processing management and regulation systems
– micro regulators in management systems
− component base of electronics
– mathematical modeling methods of components and systems
– telecommunication means, networks and systems
− information telecommunication, technologies and systems
Official languages of the conference are Russian and English.
Conference participation is free of charge.
Conference registration deadline is November 30, 2022.
People interested should send the required documents to email [email protected].
For more detailed information please read the attachment and in case of any questions, please send your email to [email protected].