On November 22-26, the first international scientific conference for students and young scientists will take place in Peoples Friendship University of Russia on the topic “For the sustainable development of civilization: cooperation, science, education and technology”.
At the heart of the conference are the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) till 2030.
Goals of the conference are: to establish a work platform for the exchange of experience and discussions to be held between experts, specialists, young scientists and students, to organize interaction (regional and international) within the youth, scientific and technical events, for the educational, research organizations and state bodies, to shape the agenda for young scientists and international students based on the cooperation and partnership as well as priority principles of sustainable development goals.
Plenary and strategic sessions will be held within the frames of the conference and frame discussions about all 17 goals, from different regional viewpoints.
Conference topics are:
- Sustainable development of civilization: goals, problems, challenges and directions;
- World policy. Complex systems to manage global political, economic and social processes;
- Complex system to manage natural environment in changing situations of eco systems and crises,
- Education for the provision of value shaping and global development, and international competitiveness system.
Format of the event is offline at RUDN University, and online – via Microsoft Teams.
Young scientists and students are invited to take part in the conference as audience (offline or online).
Conference results will be finalized by publications in the conference proceedings in case of the best materials.
In case of offline participation, travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the participant.
For more detailed information please read the appendix attached.
For additional information please visit the university website.
In case of additional questions, please send email to [email protected].