Teach for Armenia Foundation announces the start of scholarship provision to students studying in their final years in bachelor and master degree programs

Teach for Armenia Foundation, attaching importance to access to education for schoolchildren and HEI level, announces the start of scholarship provision in the amount of 500000 RA drams to reimburse their tuition fees to the students studying in their final years in bachelor and master courses that:

  • Study in the faculties of natural sciences, mathematics or IT sphere (STEM),
  • Have high academic performance, GPA is higher than 15 (from 20),
  • Are willing to join the two-year program of Teacher Leadership of Teach for Armenia after graduating from their educational degree and teach in provinces of Armenia or Artsakh. Students studying in paid education and free education system can apply for the scholarship.

Please fill in the application form here: https://www.tfaforms.com/5019378
(After filling in the application, in one of the lines of the application we ask the Polytechnic University students to mention mandatorily: with the assistance of Polytechnic University Career Center).

You should fill in the application till November 15. We are aware of many applicants interested in the scholarship but we will consider applications from Polytechnic University students as a priority.


We attach here comprehensive information about the Teacher Leadership program as follows: https://www.teachforarmenia.org/news-page/response-to-the-education-crisis