Vice-rector for Internationalization and Reforms of NPUA Sargis Asatryants within the frames of Erasmus+ KA1 mobility program was hosted at Lublin University of Technology (Poland).
The Vice-rector Asatryants had many productive and content rich meetings within the frames of the program as well as discussions on issues of mutual interest. It was followed by official meetings with the leadership of Lublin University of Technology, research teams and the academic staff and the dean of the Faculty of Economics.
The vice-rector pointed out that the aim of the visit was to develop and deepen the student, lecturer and administrative staff exchange programs, research cooperation as well as opportunities to apply for joint grant programs.
Vice-rector Asatryants has met the head of International Education Office Selina Henzel who pointed out that highly appreciates the close and high quality cooperation with the Polytechnic University specifically highlighting the representation of highly qualified academic and student community within Erasmus+ KA1 mobility program in the last years.
There were some meetings with the heads and employees of subdivisions namely the Library, Digitization Center, External Relations and other divisions. The meetings were productive and full of interesting discussions, idea exchanges, and willingness to cooperate in the future.
The meeting with the Vice-rector for General Affairs and Development, Doctor Darius Chzervinski was also productive as they have discussed the issues of strengthening the scientific research cooperation and internationalization of the universities. The parties hope that both institutions can advance the cooperation in all the spheres of bilateral interest.
Within the frames of one-week visit to Lublin University of Technology the next important mission of Sargis Asatryants was to share his teaching experience. Asatryants lectured on “How to start business in Armenia” to foreign students at Lublin University of Technology. The students were highly engaged in the lecture, got familiar with opportunities and ways to establish, register and run business in Armenia.
The vice-rector also visited the Robotics laboratories of Lublin University of Technology. As he pointed out, the Robotics laboratories in Lublin University of Technology are not used for research so they would like to cooperate with the Polytechnic University and apply our experience thus attaching importance to bilateral scientific cooperation.
At the end of the business visit, representatives of both Technological Universities agreed to strive to contribute to the strengthening of Armenian-Polish scientific connections and its further development thus enabling their students to enter the international arena.
National Polytechnic University of Armenia and Lublin University of Technology have been cooperating since 2017 in Electrical Engineering, Energetics and Transport Technologies thus implementing short-term student and academic exchange programs.
Lublin University of Technology LUT is the biggest technical university of the region. It was founded on May 13, 1953 on the initiative of engineers and technicians of Lublin.
Currently there are 6 faculties in the structure of Lublin University of Technology namely Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technology Fundamentals and Faculty of Management.