Rector of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia Gor Vardanyan and Vice-rector Sargis Asatryants hosted the representatives of US Department of Energy. Employees of the Office of Nuclear Energy Sean Tyson, Armando Krosland, George Utmel and Alma Machshanova were in the delegation.
Perspectives of cooperation expansion were discussed with the US Department of Energy during the meeting, within the frames of which it will be possible for NPUA students to pass their internship and practical studies at the simulation center designated specially for it during the new programs implemented in Armenia.
NPUA Rector in his speech highlighted the role of the Polytechnic University in spreading the energy engineering education and especially the importance of preparation of professionals under the study programs in the sphere of nuclear energy. As Gor Vardanyan pointed out traditional engineering specialties have significance for the whole world. This is the case with nuclear energy and all directions. The Polytechnic University is the only one in the country that organizes higher education of this sphere. He distinguished the issues and pointed out that they have much to do in general education, to present the professions correctly. We should arouse interest in energy engineering professions from early ages as there is a wrong stereotype about the hardships and danger of this profession. The rector also spoke about the establishment and modernization of laboratories in the university.
Cooperation of US Department of Energy and National Polytechnic University of Armenia has started since 2004. With the assistance of US Department of Energy the Regional Educational Center of Nuclear Safety has been established. Representatives of US Department of Energy have visited the Regional Educational Center of Nuclear Safety where its director Vostanik Marukhyan presented the representatives of US Department of Energy the results of the joint activities of the center with the US Department of Energy. A series of important works and results obtained by means of unique multifunctional SPARCS system were implemented with the assistance of the US Department of Energy were presented for which a special gratitude was expressed to the US Department of Energy.
The guests later visited the Nuclear Energy Laboratory established at the Chair of Thermal Energy and Environmental Protection of the Institute of Energetics and Electrical Engineering where NPP simulator operated by PWR – 1000 is being actively used in the study process of the university.
The students have an opportunity within their academic education, through their professional educational programs to carry out practical assignments given by the staff utilizing the NPP.
Director of RECNS Vostanik Marukhyan and deputy director for science and international relations of the Institute of Energetics and Electrical Engineering of NPUA Aram Gevorgyan together with the representatives of US Department of Energy have come to an agreement in the course of discussions to increase educational and public information on the jointly used “Regional Educational Center of Nuclear Safety.