Honorable Prime Minister, dear Rector, members of the Board of Trustees, representatives of the academic staff, students and graduates
Dear graduates, the university you are graduating from and will get your final diplomas, is the one that shared the first and second place in Armenia for the last years. We had the most powerful universities during the Soviet time period, namely Yerevan State University and the Polytechnic University. We also had other universities but Yerevan State University was the traditional and classical university and the technical one, if we call it with the terms of the 21st century, the technological university, was the Polytechnic University. Dear graduates, I would like you to study the rich traditions of the Polytechnic University and transfer it to others. Knowledge and understanding of the past enables us to move forward. Many famous people have received their education at the Polytechnic University and I am sure that we currently have graduates that will become famous professionals in different spheres in the future. I wish the National Polytechnic University of Armenia to become more powerful and find its own place in the rating list of the best technological universities of the world and we should work much to make it a reality. The Polytechnic University should become the technological leader of Armenia and make our country more powerful as the best way to become powerful is to get educated. I would like you to have success in your professional life for the benefit of Armenia and Armenian nation.