Many people already know the artillerist sergeant Edgar, hero of Artsakh: the first enemy tank approaching Talish was only 7 km far from them, but he hit the tank and the process continued. While hitting the 10th tank, as he points out, he was thinking only about one person.
Edgar Markosyan (hero of Artsakh) – At that exact moment, you can only see your mother in front of you and nothing else can capture your mind. Everybody thought that I received the title after my death, but God Bless, I managed to return home safe and healthy. I always say that if I am safe back, then I have an important mission to accomplish. My main mission is to justify that the death of my friends at the war is not forgotten and we will make their dreams come true.
Currently, he is back but his thoughts are in another direction: he has a mission to become the best, to keep his title high, while being a Master’s student at the faculty of Electronics of the Polytechnic University, he will ‘send’ his success back to the army.
Edgar Markosyan: I will pay taxes to my country so that it will make the army more and more powerful.
The meeting “Together Stronger” united around 200 students from Armenia and Artsakh who target to become the best in their spheres and help their motherland. They all wear ‘talking’ T-shirts in the camp not to forget the soldiers who died at the war and to always remember their dreams.
Female students from Artsakh also tell that they will go back from Hanqavan camp after ‘signing’ partnership agreement with Yerevan universities.
Gevorg Harutyunyan (President of NPUA Student Council) – We have chosen ‘Nation, Religion and Army” as three pillars and we believe that it will lead every young person to proceed. Our heroes, their personage we all know well, who sacrificed their life for all of us, should be honored by us, and we should know and understand what patriotism meant for them as well as we should acknowledge everything they have done for each and every person.
Gor Vardanyan (NPUA Rector) – Armenians are known all over the world for their knowledge, creative thinking, patriotism, but I cannot state that during our history we have always been united, therefore “Together stronger” targets to unite people of different specialties under one main goal.
At the opening ceremony, in the presence of their parents (of the soldiers), they all promised never to forget the soldiers who sacrificed their life for our motherland.
The youth who gathered under one roof, till August 7, will also learn the foundations of warfare, shooting techniques preparation, how to extinguish fire in contingencies as well as we never forget about national and military sounds and music.
Author Lilit Harutyunyan