The Rector of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia Vostanik Marukhan highly appreciates the project on making amendments in the law of the Republic of Armenia on “the Advertisements” that proposes to prohibit the advertising of the sales of diploma and term papers.
“I am definitely for this proposal. They say: better late than never. I consider this legislative initiative to be the right one as such service provision has an irrevocable influence on the quality of education” – Vostanik Marukhyan told in his interview to
As he points out, engineering HEIs especially the Polytechnic University are relatively in favorable condition because due to the manifold nature of the subject list, service providers face enourmous difficulties.
“I would like to point out that the sales of diploma and term papers are not characteristic of only our country. If we consider Russia, for example, there are not only similar services like this but some specific offers on the defended thesis to swiftly send them to the buyer” – Vostanik Marukhyan pointed out.
NPUA Rector believes that the buying and selling of the scientific works can lead to other bad consequences.
“I teach students studying at higher years of studies and the subjects where it is less possible to cheat and the reasons are comprehensive. But I noticed that students had some reports referring to applied mechanics, materials resistance, some courses on chemistry… Let me not mention that people selling the reports have an extensive field of work in the spheres of history or political science.
I have also seen situations when these types of works were sold on CDs in Russia. Let it not be practiced in Armenia”- our interlocutor pointed out highlighting the necessity to impose fines on people who do illegal actions.