Polytechnic innovation incubator was established at the National Polytechnic University of Armenia that will assist both students of the Polytechnic University and for all the individuals having innovative ideas.
It has a territory for their work activities, round tables for discussions, rooms equipped with computer technologies etc. The incubator will provide no-fee business consultations connected with legal problems for startup registration, idea commercialization, their accurate management and other issues. It will host specialists from Armenia and foreign countries that will render advisory services to the youth.
“The innovation incubator of the Polytechnic University will enable the youth to develop their ideas, and modern youth are rather active. The more such incubators we have, the bigger the opportunities for the entrants in the sphere of IT will be”, – Amalya Mkhitaryan, ANEL laboratories coordinator highlighted.
The incubator was established within the framework of European Union Erasmus+ program, funded within the framework of the project “Enhancing innovation competences and entrepreneurial skills in engineering education (InnoCENS)”.