Future Polytechnic Students

Future Polytechnic Students

On June 1, on the International Day for Protection of Children, children of Polytechnic University employees visited their parents’ work place.

NPUA Labor Union headed by G. Balumyan, on the occasion of the International Day for Protection of Children, organized an event for children called “Chalk drawing of Wishes”.

At the end of the work day, the yard was transformed into a surface full of different quadrants, where small painters drew their wishes and ideas using colored chalks.

The event started by songs for children, under the happy sounds of which the president of the Labor Union Gevorg Balumyan welcomed the children.

While congratulating them on the International Day for Protection of Children, he wished the children to have a happy childhood and peaceful sky. More than 100 children and grandchildren of Polytechnic University employees, 5 to 10 years old, participated in the event. All participants received gifts, an interesting book ‘Secrets of the Space’.

June 1 as the International Day for Protection of Children is specially celebrated on the first day of summer. It was established in 1925, International Children’s Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare.

In 1949, Women’s International Democratic Federation made the decision to establish the International Day for Protection of Children. UNO approved this initiative, announced the protection of life and health of children as one of the priorities in the functioning of the organization.

It was back in 1950 when June 1 was celebrated as the International Day for Protection of Children.